
  • The CHO Struggle

    Why we struggle to be productive in our homes when we were able to be productive at work or school.

  • How to Up Your Game

    4 Ways to be more productive and look at what you want to be great at in your life.

  • A Great Way to Get It Done

    How to use accountability in a positive way to get things done and have support.

What CHOs are saying about this course:

  • Really useful course with a lot of content

    Flora Mackie

    This course contains a lot of information. It gave me some great tips on how to better manage my days, and to motivate myself. It also really helped me to un...

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    This course contains a lot of information. It gave me some great tips on how to better manage my days, and to motivate myself. It also really helped me to understand why sometimes I can feel SO judged by my husband when he comments on something in the house looking a mess (even tho he means no malice by it). It has given me a lot to think about.

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  • Game Changer

    abigaik fobanjong

    This mini-course offered me a new way to engage with my family. It was wonderful and left me wanting more details so I can fully embrace my role as CHO! Tha...

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    This mini-course offered me a new way to engage with my family. It was wonderful and left me wanting more details so I can fully embrace my role as CHO! Thank you, Katie ❤️

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  • Enlightening

    Kathryn anderton

    There are a lot of really great solid nuggets of information in this course that really make you think about the role you play in your individual household. ...

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    There are a lot of really great solid nuggets of information in this course that really make you think about the role you play in your individual household. Katie asks just the right questions to make you think about what you need to do without telling you what the right way is, because the right way is going to be different for everyone. Just this one mini course had helped me immensely in shifting my mindset from overwhelmed, to understanding that I don't have to do it all on my own or do it the way everyone expects me to either. I am the CHO and I decide how my household will run.

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  • 5 Stars

    Stephanie Sünkel

    This course exceeded my expectations. I was pleasantly surprised by how much content was included in this free course. I finished it feeling excited to own m...

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    This course exceeded my expectations. I was pleasantly surprised by how much content was included in this free course. I finished it feeling excited to own my title as CHO!

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Course curriculum

  • 1
    Welcome to the CHO Mini-Course!
    • Welcome!
    • Before we begin...
  • 2
    Time to Dive In
    • What is a CHO?
    • 4 Ways to Increase Productivity
  • 3
    Now is Your Time, CHO!
    • Congratulations!
    • Final questions
    • Resources

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You are a GREAT mom!

Now, learn how to rock your job as a Chief Household Officer so you can enjoy time with your family too.

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